About International Brass

Abbey Marienthal
Abbey Marienthal

Music without limits - we take our music seriously while enjoying what we do

International Brass comprises five musicians from four countries - The Netherlands, Lithuania, Austria and Germany, all of whom reside in Germany.


We believe that it is the international nature of our group that makes it unique. In a sense our common language is music itself and our individual cultural experiences serve to lend a certain flair to our music.


Ultimately however, it is the quality of each performance and our strength as entertainers that is most important to us.


International Brass with the horngroup of Royal Oman Symphonie Orchestra
International Brass with the horngroup of Royal Oman Symphonie Orchestra

All about Classical.... and much more

International Brass plays a broad spectrum of musical styles; from baroque to rock, from romantic-era organ sounds to big-band jazz, from Mozart to Mancini. Our focus is on quality in music - no style is therefore necessarily excluded.


We're not mainstream, definitely not pop and we avoid the mediocre. We're always looking to broaden our repertoire; aiming to challenge our audiences as well as ourselves. We seek out quality arrangements and work to develop them into high quality performances - that is what we're about.


Simply put our mission is to play good brass music well.

Pleasure in making music

Our experience, drive and philosophy come together to create a memorable performance that we believe leaves a lasting impression on our audiences and fosters their support. We’ve been fortunate to play concerts together across Germany and the Netherlands, as well as in Austria, France, Lithuania and Oman.

Participation in so many exciting international concerts and music festivals, as well as the appreciation and enthusiasm of the many audience members that we’ve met, fosters our resolve to continue doing what we do.



We have been here

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